Annie Khenian
BSc(Hons)Ost DPO DSBFM - Registered Osteopath
Annie Khenian qualified from the British School of Osteopathy with an Honors degree in Osteopathy, and later specialized in Paediatrics at the Osteopathic Centre for Children.
She joined The Diagnostic Clinic, a leading integrated health company in the UK providing high quality health screens, and has been part of the team since its launch date in 2003 as an Osteopathic Consultant.
Annie Khenian has a proven track record as a clinician and has accumulated a high level of skill and experience in treating a range of conditions from sporting injuries to degenerative joint pain and pregnancy-related strains, earning a reputation such as ‘Xray Hands’ Sunday TIMES Jan 2007 and ‘Historian and curator of the human body’ Prof. S. Balfour.
Annie Khenian’s unique diagnostic approach is to pin-point the cause of the pain and identify the sequence of events that have lead to its occurrence. Whilst her treatments are gentle, she firmly believes in targeting the problem in a direct and straightforward manner, producing effective and long lasting results.
Annie uses a highly integrated approach in treating patients, this involves:
- Structural Osteopathy – classical form of Osteopathy that releases muscles and mobilizes the joints, often producing an audible ‘click’.
- Cranial Osteopathy is a method that works with the subtler mechanics of the body.
Visceral Osteopathy is a technique used to gently ease tension and improve function of the viscera of the body e.g. bladder, bowels, gall bladder, uterus, liver, stomach. - Acupuncture is a therapy in which very fine needles are inserted into the skin at designated points chosen for their therapeutic effect.
- Planning a rehabilitation Pilates exercise programme following injury or surgery.
- Dispensing nutritional advice to correct the biochemical state of the blood and identify irritants in the diet that may be maintaining the inflammatory state of the body.
- Lymphatic drainage used to improve the pumping mechanism of lymph around the body, particularly when the ankles are swollen and when the body feels heavy or in helping the body flush out toxins.
"The session with the Osteopath, Annie Khenian, was amazing. By lightly touching my body, she picked up every area that had ever given me pain, and gave me an eerily accurate assessment of my main personality traits, working life and exercise habits. It was like she had Xray hands.’"
Sally Brown
TIMES Sunday 21st January 2007
Annie has a keen interest in treating children and uses a highly integrated approach in supporting and advising on the musculoskeletal and neurological development of the growing child. Her paediatric experience extends from working with premature babies at Barnet Hospital, working with rugby injuries and treating conditions such as difficulties walking, glue ear and babies that just will not sleep.
In order to maintain standards of patient care and comply with GOSC governing requirements, Annie Khenian regularly attends conferences and seminars to keep up with current developments in Muscular and Joint health.
Her practice follows a strict code of confidentiality in accordance with her professional Code of Conduct.
Annie Khenian is registered with all main health care insurance companies and is a member of:
– General Osteopathic Council
– British Osteopathic Association
– Sutherland Cranial College
– London Osteopathic Association